Our African Climate Story

Our African Climate Story

Our African Climate Story

Our African
Climate Story

Our African Climate Story leverages workshops, masterclasses, art and a collection of essays to equip African climate changemakers with the tools needed to amplify and tell their stories authentically.

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Who We Are

Our African Climate Story Curators standing by a banner that has the OACS logo
Our African Climate Story Curators posing by a banner that has the OACS logo

Who We Are

We are a trio of African climate activists and environmentalists, Oluwaseyi Moejoh, Joshua Gabriel Oluwaseyi and youth empowerment advocate, Oluwanifemi Dahunsi who curate the Our African Climate Story project. 

With a combined decade plus years of experiences as climate leaders, youth leaders, communications and storytelling experts. We’re driven by our first-hand witnessing of the uneven telling of the African climate story to curate non-stereotypical narrative, one that tells the African climate story of hope, resilience and centers youth-driven climate action.

Our Mission

Our Mission

At Our African Climate Story, we empower young African climate activists to reclaim narratives on Africa’s climate crisis.

Through workshops, art, and curating the largest collection of African climate stories, we amplify voices, challenge stereotypes, influence policies and catalyse urgent climate action for a more just and sustainable African future.
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The Workshop

The Our African Climate Storytelling Workshop by #OurAfricanClimateStory is a core part of the OACS project, focused on equipping young African climate activists like with the knowledge, skills, and platform needed to become powerful storytellers for climate action.

We curate an immersive opportunity for activists to learn from world-class storytelling experts, including some of Africa’s biggest storytellers and develop, and amplify authentic African climate stories that ignite ambitious action, influencing political will, and creating transformative policies for a sustainable future on the African continent.

Impact Metrics

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Our Gallery

Experience the Our African Climate Story workshop held in Nairobi, Kenya funded by the We Are Family Foundation and hosted and accommodated by the Africa Youth Climate Assembly and the University of Nairobi with these photos and videos.


We are excited to announce the launch of our Call for African Climate Stories on December 8th, 2023, at Extreme Hangout, the Green Zone, COP28 UAE! Become one of the first to make a submission and join our growing community of Climate Torchbearers by clicking the button below.

What Our Climate TorchBearers Say

“The workshop used simple language for me to be able to understand how to tell the story so it relates to people. Through the workshop, I realised that our climate stories should be indigenous and meant for the indigenous peoples rather than telling the story for the global world only.”
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Constance Edubaffou
"Storytelling is important because through [storytelling] you can find out where [our climate problems] started from and where it’s going. The story gives you a clue on what to do next and how to solve problems."
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Theophilus Osofu
''The voices of young people and those who cannot be heard are being heard at the storytelling workshop and the stories we tell are a true reflection of what we’re experiencing – amplifying our voices to manage the future.''
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Arika Musa

Our Collection of Stories

A core part of our vision is curating the largest collection of African climate stories collected from young African climate activists and innovators through an open call.

These can be essays, short poems, poetry, and tales that reflect your LIVED experience and an African youth dealing with the harsh realities of the climate crisis. We want to hear from you, regardless of your gender, background, country, region, or language. 

Your story will be curated as part of our collection which will be heavily publicised upon release and our goal remains simple. To leverage the power of authentic and empathetic storytelling to influence political and corporate will to take a work with youth for a sustainable African future.

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Share Your African Climate Story With US!

Dear young African climate storyteller, we cannot wait to hear, see and help amplify your story. Kindly be as expressive as possible, there are no word limits. A paragraph, or ten, share with us authentically the struggles you and your immediate community faces due to the climate crisis.

But don’t stop at the troubles, tell us the solutions too (if any), that you or someone in your community is scaling to mitigate the impacts of the climate crisis. We will only use select parts of your entries for our collection but we appreciate all the context we can get.

Are there images and videos? upload them. We cannot wait to hear, and share your story leverage it as a tool to reclaim the narrative on the impact of, and Africa’s response to the climate crisis.

Is The Form Irresponsive?

Meet The Curators

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Joshua Gabriel Oluwaseyi

Partnerships & Communications
• Founder, LEARNBLUE • Award-winning Climate Storyteller & Environmental Activist. • Featured on the BBC, UNDP • 5 years+ experience in climate advocacy, communications consulting and digital strategy. • Teen Vogue 21 Under 21 Honouree • Doha Debates #SolvingIt26 Honouree & Global Teen Leader
Oluwaseyi Moejoh Headshot Our African Climate Story

Oluwaseyi Moejoh Peace

Project Management
• African Contributing-Editor, OH-Wake Media • Award-winning Environmentalist & Global Changemaker • Featured on CNN, DW, NBC. • 6+ years experience in creating climate education & leadership opportunities for young Africans. • Recipient of the Princess Diana Award & NATGEO Young Explorer
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Oluwanifemi Dahunsi

Content Production & Digital Skills
• Founder Teens World Empowerment • 7+ years experience in promoting quality education by making digital skills more accessible for low-income communities. • Proficient in Community Development, Public Speaking, Marketing, Content Production & Talent Management. • We Are Family Foundation's Global Teen Leader • Youth Council Member - Social Shifters